Church of the Good Shepherd

Wherever you are on your journey of faith you are welcome here

Rector’s Discretionary Fund

The Rector’s Discretionary Fund allows me to provide discreet assistance to those in crisis.

As rector at Good Shepherd, I am so glad that I have a fund which I can use discreetly and without consultation to help anyone who may be in need of a little monetary help. The fund is supported by honoraria I receive from funerals and weddings, and by special gifts. If you would like to make a gift to this fund, you can make a check out to: Good Shepherd Rector’s Discretionary Fund, and mail it to the address below. If you are in need of a small loan or gift to help you out in a crisis, please come talk with me!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Thom

Email Fr. Thom

Church of the Good Shepherd - Rangeley, Maine | A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion