We believe that serving God includes stewardship within our community and the world.
Our service includes participation in programs which provide food and monetary assistance for those in need. We dedicate a portion of our annual budget to outreach needs that come up during the year.
We offer our church building to Community Groups and self-help groups in the area including:
Rangeley Ecumenical Food Pantry:
The Rangeley Ecumenical Food Pantry is housed in the Undercroft of Good Shepherd. Members of Good Shepherd, local churches and our community staff the Pantry which is open Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
We gratefully receive donations of non-perishable food and money in order to provide for those in need. Drop off non-perishable food donations in our Undercroft (side door lower level).
Please send monetary donations to:
Rangeley Ecumenical Food Pantry
c/o Treasurer
PO Box 1028
Rangeley, Maine 04970
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Seniors:
The parish invites all seniors in our community to our annual Thanksgiving Dinner in our Undercroft on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
United Thank Offering (UTO):
The United Thank Offering is a program of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the entire Church.
UTO is entrusted to:
- promote thank offerings,
- receive the offerings, and
- distribute the UTO monies through grants.
Our ingathering dates are the last Sunday in August and the first Sunday in September. Coin boxes, envelopes and informative brochures are on the table in the Narthex.
Visit the UTO website https://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/united-thank-offering to learn more about the United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church.
Camp Bishopswood:
Camp Bishopswood is a wonderful overnight summer camp for youth, located on Lake Magundicook, and is a part of the Diocese of Maine. Good Shepherd has helped with funds for projects at Camp Bishopswood. To learn more about Camp Bishopswood, visit their website http://bishopswood.org/.
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD):
Episcopal Relief and Development is the international relief and development agency of the Episcopal Church of the United States. It is guided by the Episcopal Church’s principles of compassion, dignity and generosity as we work to heal a hurting world. To learn more about the work supported by donations visit the ERD website http://www.episcopalrelief.org/.