Church of the Good Shepherd

Wherever you are on your journey of faith you are welcome here

Educational Ministries

Children’s Faith Formation

Our children’s growth in knowledge and faith is important to us. So is their health; our Sunday
School is on a temporary break until Covid-19 settles down and the youngest amongst us have
access to vaccines.

Youth Faith formation

Youth may receive Acolyte Training and become more involved with the worship service by
serving in this way.

We also encourage the youth of our church by supporting their attendance at Diocesan youth
opportunities, including events and retreats at Camp Bishopswood.

Adult Faith Formation

Faith formation is a life-long endeavor, one that takes place through congregational worship and
prayer. In addition, we deepen our understanding of discipleship through ongoing Bible Study,
which currently meets at 9:00 on Thursday mornings. All are welcome!

At Good Shepherd we aspire to be like Mary of Bethany, “who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying.”  (Luke 10:39)


Church of the Good Shepherd - Rangeley, Maine | A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion