Church of the Good Shepherd

Wherever you are on your journey of faith you are welcome here


Spiritual Gifts

Here at Good Shepherd, we know the importance of praying for our friends, families and members of our community. We pray each week for people on our prayer list at both Sunday services and our midweek Healing Service on Wednesdays. Please call the office (207.864.3381), click here or speak with our Priest on Sunday morning to add someone to our prayer list.

We also know how much it means to be able to memorialize deceased friends and family members, and to offer thanksgiving for people and events in our lives. You may choose to offer memorials and thanksgiving by providing altar flowers or by sponsoring the Sanctuary candle for a particular Sunday. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex or call the church office (207.864.3381). Donations of $4.50 for a memorial lighting of the Sanctuary candle may be sent to the church office. You may provide your own flowers for the altar or send a donation of $30 to the office along with memorial, thanksgiving or celebration information. Please make checks payable to Church of the Good Shepherd-Altar Guild.

We have all been richly gifted by God. At the Church of the Good Shepherd we encourage everyone to discover and use their gifts for the glory of God and for the common good. Some of these gifts include hospitality, creative arts, music, and financial acumen.

Material Gifts

Many parishioners make a pledge to support the church with regular offerings. The pledges are important as we seek to create a budget and be good stewards of the church’s resources. Some members strive to make a full tithe (10% of their income). All pledges of any amount are most welcome. All who give know that they receive much more.

Members and friends of the parish may also make a onetime or recurring financial donation to Good Shepherd online by clicking on this link which will take you to a program sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. The Diocese absorbs all of the administrative costs of the program, so 100% of your donation will be received by Church of the Good Shepherd.

Offering a legacy to the church in the form of an item to enhance worship or a fund to support the work of the church is an appropriate and meaningful way to honor those we love. Please speak with our Priest, about your interest in making a memorial gift.

Church of the Good Shepherd - Rangeley, Maine | A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion